October 4, 2008

Martian Apartments

I have been thinking for a long time about the different ways to live on mars. I don't like the idea of subterranean dwellings. I would need to be on the surface with a view of the landscape. I do find domes to be alternative, however from an engineering point of view there are many technical problems to overcome. I'm sure they will eventually be constructed, but until then another solution may be in order. For this reason I developed the concept of a Martian apartment.

All parts would be prefabricated, transferred to site, and then assembled. After the outer skin is sealed, construction could be continued without environmental suites. Proper radiation coatings/precautions on the skin may allow plants to be grown hydroponically under Martian sunlight (with supplemental lighting for dust storm season if necessary). Sheet could be drawn over the apartments at times when large solar flares are approaching the planet.

The reason the apartments are on 'posts' is to eliminate problems from accumulating dust (although the tops may collect some). Posts also reduce the need to excavate the frozen regolith.

This 'pill' apartment could comfortably house about 160 people. They should be able to grow about 30% (conservative) of their food on the roof hydroponically.

Here are three different concept shapes in a complex together. It would make more sense for them all to be linked.

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